Processor Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 2.2 GHz
Memory 2GB DDR2 800 FSB,
Hardisk 320 GB
Wifi 802.11 a/g/n
Card Reader, Bluetooth, Webcam 2.0 Mega Pixel, Modem 56K
Display 14” WXGA LED
OS : Ubuntu
Warranty 1 Year on Site Service
Colour : Red and Black,
Memory 2GB DDR2 800 FSB,
Hardisk 320 GB
Wifi 802.11 a/g/n
Card Reader, Bluetooth, Webcam 2.0 Mega Pixel, Modem 56K
Display 14” WXGA LED
OS : Ubuntu
Warranty 1 Year on Site Service
Colour : Red and Black,